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Was an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning. Researcher specialized in Climate, Environment, and Urban Climatology applied to health and tourism. Ph.D. in 2004 at Lisbon University with a thesis entitled "Human Bioclimate and Air Temperature in Lisbon. Collaborated on projects CLIMLIS and URBKLIM. Head Researcher of the Portuguese team in charge of the project Urban-Net "Urban Tourism and Climate Change".





Proceedings from international conferences

Andrade, H.; Alcoforado, M-J.; Canário, P. (2010) Estimação da influência antrópica no campo térmico de Lisboa; uma tentativa de modelação estatística WSCRA2010 - II Workshop Internacional sobre Clima e Recursos Naturais nos Países de Língua Portuguesa, Bragança, Portugal, 15 - 19 Novembro 2010: 207-214




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